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Celebrating OVER 40 Years of Service


The Board of Directors of The Junior League of Greater Winter Haven ensures the future of the entire organization at all levels. Board members act as trustees and stewards on behalf of our members, including financial management of the League. The Board, along with the Management Team, provides vision and helps govern the vision across our organization including Membership and Community Placements, Community Research and Project Development, Community Outreach, Fund Development, Training and Development, Marketing & Communications Committees. The Board also makes sure that all our League programs are consistent with our mission.

2023 - 2024 Board of Directors

 Elle Carter Paula Orcutt



 CarLee Marchetti  Jensen Carrerou 


 Membership VP


 Camille Ouellette


 Management Team


 Lorena Cordero  Rhonda Todd
 Treasurer-Elect  Community VP
 Jennifer Landback  Rachelle Williamson
 Nominating Chair  Immediate Past President
 Lola McKindles  Kaelynn Mahalak
 Fund Development  Community Research & Project Development (CRPD)
 Peggy Threlkel  Lupita Alvarez
 Sustainer Liaison  Provisional Class Chair
 Lupita Alvarez  Nikki Sterling
 Communications VP  Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

The Mission of The League is to advance women’s leadership for meaningful community impact through volunteer action, collaboration, and training.

Contact Us:

P.O. Box 7161
Winter Haven, FL 33883-7161
Phone: 863.583.7659

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